To Tanzania Safari We Go - Plus Updates!
US Customs House, Charleston, SC
OK Wanderers, this is mostly an update blog just to let you all know how much great content we’re going to be working on during the summer and sending your way as soon as I can. I’ve put a new review out, am working on plenty more, and the mother-load of content will be coming in June - our long awaited, bucket list item trip to safari in Tanzania! We’re beyond excited for this trip and it’s been 3 years in the making! Coupled with the fact it will be a delayed honeymoon, and it’s just going to be so special.
New Review
Just a quick one to put in here for you to hold you over. I reviewed the Topo Designs Global Travel Bag 30 after using it for a couple of trips, including flights. Topo Designs is a company pushing out some…unsurprisingly…really well designed packs. They go with a vintage trekking vibe (think Moonrise Kingdom or 60’s adventuring) with an 80s kind of colorway. I think this will make sense when you see them :). This is the smaller sibling to the larger 40L, and I think it’s more manageable for more people. Experienced “onebaggers” and those just looking to pack for a shorter trip or long weekend. Check that out here:
Gear HAUL!
Did I use that right? I think that’s what the kids are calling these things. I’m going on a big trip, and I figured I should bring all sorts of stuff to test out!
Lot’s of gear reviews coming.
That’s quite a grouping up there, huh? You’re looking at two new interesting products from Western Rise - the updated Boundless Shorts and the brand new StrongCore merino hoodie.
But, I’m not done.
I wanted to really start digging into more Matador products, as they are really bringing some great stuff to the table. Their Seg42 will be my checked bag to Tanzania. I’ve also got their camera base layer, laptop base layer, and water proof toiletry kit. Gonna be the perfect trip to test all this stuff!
But What Else? What’s In It For Me?
Just hit you with a classic WIIFM right there, (“wiffim” for the uninitiated) bet you didn’t even see that coming. Well in terms of helpful content, I plan to produce a couple of guides here. Safari’s are a BIG deal. You need to plan for them. I was overwhelmed in the beginning and I’m a seasoned traveler. First time in my life I had a spreadsheet for a trip. No joke.
So I want to help you plan that trip of a lifetime, but also help you to know what to expect. How To Plan A Safari. What To Bring/Wear on a Safari. How To Get To Your Safari (Points or Pay?). I’ll discuss the different tour groups as well because it’s rare that you’re going to want to go on your own - or even be able to. And, I’ll certainly let you all know about the company I chose, and if I’d recommend them.
Not to mention the pictures. Oh boy will there be pictures! I’m bringing two different cameras and multiple lenses, so I’ll probably write about that too!
That should do it for now. I really cannot wait for all the content I’ll be able to provide and put out there for you over the course of the next quarter through the end of the year. Reviews and guides to follow!
Take care Wanders - remember to Wander More, and Wander Smarter.
Just getting some practice in at the aquarium in Charleston